Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dyeing my hair blonde?

Hey! i really want to dye my hair a darkish blonde but the problem is that my hairs dark brown, i dont want it bleached because my hair has grown so long and healthy and bleaching might ruin in! also i hate leaving the hairdressers to do my hair they might do it wrong! any Sugestions?

Dyeing my hair blonde?

You can try a hair lightner its similar to bleach but not as strong or you can buy the blondest hair dye you can buy it will lighten your hair but not as light as the hair lightner would, but make sure its amonia free because that will mess up your hair. also when dyeing your hair start from the back and dont put the dye atleast 1 1/2 inches from your scalp because it will lighten up faster than the rest of your hair wait till you get as close to the desired color you want then add the dye to your scalp.but if your not so sure just go to the salon, Im sure they wont mess up your hair. hope this helps. :)

Dyeing my hair blonde?

you cannot get dark hair lighter just by putting color on it. you have to lift the color. bleach will do this. no one likes the whole bleaching process but hey..if you want the color you have to do it. Report It

Dyeing my hair blonde?

if you dare give me your email address.go hell of you! with your behaviour,thats makes sense why EVERYBODY HATES YOU!!!! no matter what you dye your hair you still looks like a piglet!!!!!!!!! Report It

Dyeing my hair blonde?

That is the only way you can do it is by using dyes. The best bet would be to go to a hair dresser. If you use the at home kit it may turn your hair orange.

Dyeing my hair blonde?

You have to lighten your hair to get it to be blond, period. I use Garnier Nutrisse hair color to lighten my hair from dark brown to blondish red, and it keeps my hair pretty healthy and looks good. Try that.

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