Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Been coloring my hair for 4 yrs Black and now want to go back to blonde. Can it be done?

I am a natural blonde, but I have been dying my hair black for 4 years now. Thats right, out of the box too. And I know how bad that is to get out of your hair. My hair is beautiful and healthy. Its past my shoudlers as well.

Here's what I was thinking. Let me know if it will work.

I thought I would bleach my hair and then cut off say 10" or so. Or cut it then color it. The only reason I am cutting it is because there is no way my hair can survive such a radical bleaching session. I want long hair. I want my blonde back, but at this time I can't have both because I will sacrifice the health of my hair to make it lighter.

So if I go from having long dark hair to short dark hair, will it be that difficult to get the black out by bleaching it?

(cannnot strip my hair. Tried twice. Didn't work)

Been coloring my hair for 4 yrs Black and now want to go back to blonde. Can it be done?

check the links below for * Hair coloring tips

Been coloring my hair for 4 yrs Black and now want to go back to blonde. Can it be done?

Go to a salon. They know how to do stuff like that.

Been coloring my hair for 4 yrs Black and now want to go back to blonde. Can it be done?

bleach it

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