Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Vitamins A and E for hair growth...could you make it into shampoo??

I know it sounds weird, but I've heard that vitamins A and E are good for hair growth. They're amazing for healing wounds when you apply the gel directly, so could you massage the gels of the vitamins into your hair? Would that make it healthier and grow faster?

Vitamins A and E for hair growth...could you make it into shampoo??

There are lots of shampoo that have this already in them. Example: Tres a me, finess, suave. You can also take vitamin B or Biotin, they are great for hair too. This will help for healthier hair, might not help grow.

Vitamins A and E for hair growth...could you make it into shampoo??

You can put a capsule in ur shampoo or buy a type of shampoo for it

Vitamins A and E for hair growth...could you make it into shampoo??

I've put vitamin e into my hair before a shower. Feels softer. That's about it. Vitamin E helps your skin from aging more than anything though.

Vitamins A and E for hair growth...could you make it into shampoo??

1.put coconut oil in ur hair

2. Drink water(LOTS)

3. Execerise %26amp; eat Healthy

4. Stand on your head for 10 mins (5min in the morning%26amp; 5 mins at night)

5. go to wal-mart and get this tablets called "Hair, Skin, %26amp;Nails"....=]

6. BE PATIENT!!!! =]


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