Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I hate my hair, how do I take care of it?

Okay my hair is very coarse and damaged. I have been suffering from depression and grief by the loss of some family members and haven't been taking care of my hair like I should have. Right now, I am so ashamed of my hair, that I wear a hat everytime I go out in public and some people think that I have cancer. I don't want to use relaxers again, because it is expensive and I think my hair was much happier when I didn't use relaxers. What can I do with my hair to make it be happy (healthy) again? I know part of it will require mental healing. What products (natural or with little chemicals) can I use to restore the health of my hair? Thanks.

I hate my hair, how do I take care of it?

It might be expensve to by good shampoo, but it will last you a good amount of time. This is basicly the only way you can do it with out having to buy a wig or hair transplants. You will just have to spend some time on it and some money.Hope it works!!

P.S Sorry about your lost realitives, but you can't let the past effect your future.

I hate my hair, how do I take care of it?

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I hate my hair, how do I take care of it?

you could get a wig. or a hairpiece. Get a good conditioner and start using it. Your hair will grow. I used to love the TCB conditioner they don't make it anymore. Try a salon supply and get a deep conditioner.

I hate my hair, how do I take care of it?

Well using a good shampoo is great, you could try something from a salon or if that is too expensive, then herbal essence and garnier fructis is great, then you could use some sleek and shine products, herbal essence has a great one so does john frida, then when you style your hair with a hair dryer or some other thing that is heated use a heat protector redkin has a nice one its just a spray, so check that out.

I hate my hair, how do I take care of it?

You should go to a salon/spa.That might even make you feel a little better about yourself.You should pamper yourself!If you are short of money then get a hair mask or deep conditioner.

I hate my hair, how do I take care of it?

It really depends if you want it straight or natural. If you want it straight they sell hair straighteners without chemicals. Or if you wanna go natural I would go for a short cut and cut off all hair that was relaxed. I would also suggest a deep condition every two weeks from the salon.

I hate my hair, how do I take care of it?

Try using different types of shampoos and conditioners that, on the bottle, have the right phrase on them that fits your hair! If those don't help, I'm truely sorry from the bottom of my heart! My hair is naturally ugly but i just tried different sham. and cond. until i found the perfect match!

Remember: Looks aren't everything! -Hope this helped! :P

I hate my hair, how do I take care of it?

Well, i was in india over the summer. there is a store called fabindia there. they have this shampoo and conditioner made out of seabuckthorn ( a rare plant grown in the himalyas) its like 10 american dollars. check it out. i use it, and it totally works for me. My hair is pathtic too. go to

they ship around the world

I hate my hair, how do I take care of it?

Use a really good conditioner or moisturizer it helps out tons, trust me

I hate my hair, how do I take care of it?

Ojan is a really good product. They sell it on QVC ~ but, recently I found it at ULTA cosmetic store... and it can be found on the internet.

My hair is really over processed and extremely dry (I am a flight attendant and flying totally dries the hair) And using this helped a lot. It is expensive... but perhaps worth it for a nice month or two of repair. It was for me :)

I hate my hair, how do I take care of it?

For now, you should buy a good shampoo (Bedhead, Pantene are good ones). And a good conditioner. Just wash your hair every day if you have oily hair, and every other day if your hair is normal or dry. It will take time to completely improve. But I also suggest trying hair masks once a week. They are available at Walgreens, Longs, etc and shouldn't cost too much.

Hope I helped.

I hate my hair, how do I take care of it?

well My solution takes time and patience.

First you need to prepare mentally for the changes you want to make.

Second, for the hair recovery take daily a multi-vitamin this will provide the essensials vitamins for the hair and it will do you good for your health too.

Tell yourself, I楹搈 Ready For The Change, I Can Do It!!!

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