Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Why is my thick hair thinning?

my hair is thinning quickly even though it's still growing ok, my nails are also breaking easily, i am a 34 year old mother. i eat healthy and am very active, my hair is getting that bad that im often ask am i getting it thinned when i have even had it cut please help my get my hair back (i have also been on the contraception pill for a long time any connection)

Why is my thick hair thinning?

Do you dye your hair, have you dyed your hair or permed you hair? My Sister has always dyed and used straighteners or curling tongs, so is like you thinning to state the least. I have the opposite problem, never dyed my hair, do not do anything except wash it. I take evening primrose oil and that probably the reason, why my hair grows fast and thick along with my nails. Nail cutting here, you have to wear protective clothing.

Why is my thick hair thinning?

Please ask your dr to check your hormone levels, in particular the thyroid. One of the symptoms of a thyroid problem is thinning hair.

To learn more about thyroid disease and some of its other symptoms please check out:

Why is my thick hair thinning?

Because you are going bald! Get a wig!

Why is my thick hair thinning?

Eating fish rich in Omega-3 Fatty will thicken hair. fish like Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel, if you aren't a fish eater, eat omega rich walnuts, flaxseeds. Take an Omega supplement, take Biotin, or B-Complex, eat oysters, cauliflower, %26amp; drink lots of water.

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