Sunday, June 20, 2010

14 yr girl who has lost half of her hair. Help?

I'm 14 and really healthy yet have gone from having extremely thick hair to having average/thin hair in 2 months. I'm a girl (obviously) and don't have balding in my family at all. It's falling out all over, not in patches. What the heck is going on? Do I need to see a doctor?

14 yr girl who has lost half of her hair. Help?

Yes, you should see your doctor.

You may have a thyroid problem.

14 yr girl who has lost half of her hair. Help?

You may have alopecia, a condition where your hair falls out like you're describing. This definitely merits a trip to the doctor.

14 yr girl who has lost half of her hair. Help?

Yes, you do need to see a doctor about the sudden hair loss. You will probably find out that it is just something simple like a lack of vitamens.

14 yr girl who has lost half of her hair. Help?

yes u do..this can be VERY serious..see one immediatly

14 yr girl who has lost half of her hair. Help?

yeah you should see the doctor.

But if you use heat and stuff on your hair or your stressed it could be it.

14 yr girl who has lost half of her hair. Help?

thyroid problems affect hormones not hair smarty #1.. and yes you should see a doctor

14 yr girl who has lost half of her hair. Help?


14 yr girl who has lost half of her hair. Help?

That happened to one of my friends. Yes go to the doctor. it could be something that can be easily fixed

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