Thursday, June 17, 2010

Does anyone know of a good vitamin that helps hair to grow faster?

I tried googling and came up with all sorts of different things but I want people's opinions. I'm trying to grow my hair longer. It's below shoulder but I want it down my back again and whenever it starts getting long, I'm due for a cut to get rid of the split ends. I don't want long hair if it's not going to be healthy like it is now.

Does anyone know of a good vitamin that helps hair to grow faster?

My stylist who reads a lot and attends seminars, etc. told me that for healthy hair, I needed a good vitamin B complex. I take a good multi-vitamin. GNC has a complex for hair, skin and nails. I've purchased Olay vitamins that are formulated for hair. These are multivitamins with extra aids for hair, skin...They are packaged in individual plastic packets of pills, so it's easy to take.

I don't know if this'll make it grow faster, but it sure will keep it stronger, so it grows healthy and long. My hair was falling out and I followed this advice and it now only has minimal normal loss. Happy Hair.

Does anyone know of a good vitamin that helps hair to grow faster?

Vitamin A.

Does anyone know of a good vitamin that helps hair to grow faster?

Surprisingly prenatal vitamins work wonders for hair and nails. You don't need an RX for them but you may have some explaining to do

Does anyone know of a good vitamin that helps hair to grow faster?

prenatal vitamins and they can be bought otc @ wal-mart and all the basic dollar stores....they are great for hair, skin and nails but be careful as they will also makae you eat! choose your food wisely.

Does anyone know of a good vitamin that helps hair to grow faster?

I had a hair stylist who said that prenatal vitamins (the stuff you're supposed to take if you're going to be or if you are pregnant) helps your hair growth. She said that it's a good combination of many vitamins.

The only thing to think of is even if you're able to DOUBLE your hair growth, you'd still only get just under an inch a month. And I don't know if doubling it is possible.

Vitamins and water are always a good idea, tho.

Does anyone know of a good vitamin that helps hair to grow faster?

Proteins work better if you want your hair to look thicker, stronger and longer because hair are mainly composed of proteins! Eat a lot of protein-containing feed like eggs, meat, fish and milk!

Does anyone know of a good vitamin that helps hair to grow faster?

'Nutra Life' Silicaplex 5000 plus

It makes your hair grow faster and it makes it look a lot shinier too and very healthy.

Does anyone know of a good vitamin that helps hair to grow faster?

I always heard that vitamin E is good for the skin and nails. Also, gelatin capsules will strenthen nails is good for the hair.

Does anyone know of a good vitamin that helps hair to grow faster?

ZINC plays a major role in keeping your hair healthy and growing strong. It also helps prevent hair loss. I know numerous people who have had weight loss surgery and afterward, were not getting enough nutrients due to the low food intake. Their doctors have told them to start taking zinc to help prevent hair loss.

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